
Amethyst, Rose and Clear Quartz beads for crafting top tier beaded jewelry items

Craft your top tier jewelry with the DeMar Amethyst, Rose and Clear Quartz beads, Energy Healing Stone Beads
  • Availability:
    In Stock
  • Model:
    Amethyst and Quartz Combo 07
  • Manufacturer: DeMar DeMar

  • Please Note:

    The specific gemstone beads are the ones that DeMar itself is using so as to created its top tier items such as: the Zweite Seele bracelets or the energy infused jewelry items.

    Consequently, you can use the specific strand of beads either to create top tier jewelry items (like bracelets, necklaces or earrings) or to leave it as it is and to use it as an energy healing item.

    Material ---------------------- Gemstone

    Type of Beads ---------------------- Amethyst, Rose and Clear Quartz beads, Energy Healing Stone Beads


    Beads Size-------------- 8 mm and 10mm

    Hole Size----------------1mm

    Quality------------------- Superb AAA+

    Number of Beads per Strand -------------- 13

    Cleansed and Purified --------------- Yes

    Energy Healing Stone Beads --------------- Yes

    Hand selected by DeMar --------------- Yes

    By combining purified, cleansed and Reiki charged beads, the beads are of the purest form so as to enhance your spiritual endeavours.

    Finally, only the highest quality of gemstone beads were used to ensure that you are getting the best and most pure energy from them. They are all attuned with Reiki energy before shipping them to you and all beads are cleansed with sound and smoke; and completed with the purification prayer ritual.

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    “The Stone of Spiritual Growth”


    Amethyst is the perfect stone for any spiritual seekers, as it is the stone of spiritual awakening and spiritual growth. It purifies and protects by placing a shield around the physical body and the energy field. It is said that it enhances mental acuity and focus.

    The most common use of Amethyst is for the purpose of increasing one’s intuition and psychic abilities, along with enhancing one’s connection with their Higher Self, their Spirit-Guides and the Angelic Realms. It offers psychic, mental, negative and self protection and balances the nervous system and both hemispheres of the brain.

    Amethyst is the perfect stone for anyone whom is just now venturing off down the path of their spiritual journey. However, it is recommended for anyone, as it metaphysical and healing properties are beneficial to all.









    • Power
    • Healing
    • Protection
    • Spiritual


    • Protects against drunkenness, hailstorms, thunderstorms and lightning
    • Protects against Black Witchcraft and Psychic Attack
    • Protects one while traveling
    • Protects soldiers from harm
    • Wards off attempts by others to steal one’s power.



    • Intuition
    • All Psychic Abilities
    • Purification
    • Spiritual/Divine Connection
    • Spiritual & Psychic Centers
    • Spiritual Awareness
    • Crown Chakra
    • Third Eye Chakra
    • Spiritual Growth



    • Clears and repairs holes in the Aura
    • Aligns the energy bodies
    • Opens and activates the Crown Chakra
    • Encourages inner strength
    • One of the more powerful stones for psychic protection
    • Strengthens the Aura against negative energies
    • Facilitates a connection to the divine
    • Allows for a greater connection the spiritual realms
    • Protects Astro travellers from negative entities
    • All around spiritually protective stone
    • Used to recover from physical addictions
    • Transmutes lower vibrations into higher frequencies
    • Connects the physical plane with the higher realm
    • Promotes a higher state of consciousness
    • Opens the cosmic flow of energies.
    • Bonds the physical being with their spiritual spirit, or soul.
    • Strips negative energy from key chakras (energy vortexes) within the body.
    • Strengthens purpose, hope, freedom and leads to peace and balance.
    • Directs towards resolve, stability and independence.



    [Physical Healing:]
    Adrenal Glands
    Attention Span
    Brain Cancer
    Brain Lesion
    Eye Nerves
    Insect Sting
    Large Intestine Disorder
    Liver Inflammations
    Nerve Pain
    Respiratory System
    Spine & Spinal Cord Strengthening


    [Psychological Healing:]
    Achieving Goals
    Being Overburdened
    Fear of The Future
    Mental Balance
    Protection from Evil
    Spiritual Growth

    Why Would You Use Amethyst?

    Amethyst is one of relatively few gemstones with the specific purpose of improving intellectual and cerebral thought.

    There are many stones that are purported to enhance psychic powers, and many more that improve emotional intelligence, but the numbers of stones that have specific positive effects on the intellect are much rarer.

    Perhaps this is because, for much of western culture, intellectual thought has been something that was highly praised as a skill that had to be learned in schools, and used as a status symbol among those who were wealthy enough to pursue higher education!

    While higher education is excellent (and amethyst won’t grant you intelligence all on its own) it can certainly help you to apply your intellectual powers to any situation you might face.

    It can help you think both soberly and critically about the situations you face, which will lead you to far greater success in handling them.

    It is worth remembering that Amethyst gained its name from the Ancient Greek word meaning “not intoxicated”.

    It was said to prevent against drunkenness, and that its bright colour came from the god of wine, Dionysus, pouring out his wine over a clear crystal in mourning.

    Because of this, amethyst has long been said to promote sobriety – both in the literal sense of preventing drunkenness, and in the metaphorical sense of developing an ability to think more clearly and not be clouded with emotion of any specific sort.

    That emotion might be blind optimism or blind pessimism, but either way, it is blind – and amethyst can help you open your eyes.

    This is a wonderful crystal to use if you frequently find yourself in situations where you are unsure how to take action because of your emotions.

    It is important to remember that emotions are a valid and necessary part of the human life experience, and they should not be discounted.

    At the same time, however, emotions can be dangerous, because everyone’s emotional response to the same situation will be difficult, and it can be very difficult to communicate emotions between people.

    Amethyst crystals will help you build the skill to critically analyze emotions, appreciate their weight and worth, and then choose whether to act on them, or whether to acknowledge their validity and then set them aside to act on intellectual decisions instead.


    How Will Amethyst Help You?

    Amethysts are the great problem-solvers of the crystal world.

    Because of their ability to help you cut through difficult situations and understand what you are really seeing in front of you, they make it possible to get through difficult choices and decision making processes as painlessly as possible.

    Because of this, amethyst is an invaluable crystal when you have to solve a difficult problem with others, especially one where emotions are running high – or one where, as is so often the case, lots of people are talking, but no one is listening, and no one really knows what’s going on.

    This happens more often than you’d expect, even in high positions in businesses, or between married couples!

    Amethyst will help you listen to other people’s concerns, and then formulate and clearly articulate solutions in a highly practical, helpful way.

    It will help you address every concern that is brought to the table in a way that is most effective for the interests of everyone involved.


    Amethyst crystals are also known for their rulership of the crown chakra.

    While there are dozens of stones associated with every chakra and amethysts are one of the best known for the crown.

    This is interesting, because the crown chakra is the chakra of spirituality, which many people (both religious and unreligious) see as diametrically opposed to the logical, even scientific thought that amethyst promotes.

    However, in reality, a critically engaged way of thinking is one of the best ways to reach higher philosophical understanding of the world.

    If you feel out of place in your spiritual community, perhaps due to feeling like you don’t really understand other people’s interpretations or spiritual experiences, then amethyst will help you come to an understanding of those that can lead you to a higher understanding of both yourself and the universe.


    Amethyst, Healing and Health

    Amethyst is an excellent crystal to enhance physical vitality, especially after chemotherapy, radiation, or pharmaceutical treatments.

    It’s an energizing healer on a physical level because it can strengthen the adrenal glands, the reproductive organs, and the heart.

    It can aid in the treatment of disorders that affect the lungs, pancreas, and spleen. It can also stimulate fertility and help in the treatment of conditions related to the reproductive system.

    Amethyst can work in strengthening the immune system. It can also help you achieve a speedy recovery from a severe illness.

    It can be effective when it comes to cell regeneration. Amethyst is a natural stress reliever and can also detoxify the body.

    Emotionally, amethyst is used in crystal healing to help heal personal losses and grief, bringing one gently past painful experiences.


    Amethyst has a gently sedative energy that can promote peacefulness, happiness, and contentment.


    It also is said to bring emotional stability and inner strength. This stability and strength not only helps one hold firm in one’s life, but it can enhance flexibility and cooperation.


    Amethyst and Wealth

    Amethyst is an excellent crystal to have when you’re serious about building your personal wealth, growing your business, or sharing your abundance with the people you love.

    It will foster creative output, brilliant ideas, and dedicated work. It’s the ideal crystal to put on your work table or office desk so that your productivity will be high.

    Amethyst will invite harmony in your professional relationships and prosperity in your financial life.


    Amethyst for Love and Relationships

    Amethyst can help manifest your true self rather than be influenced by others to conform to other people’s expectations.

    You will realize that only when you’re honest with yourself will you experience genuine happiness and satisfaction.

    This crystal’s energies will help you understand your own needs, wants, and desires in your relationship.

    You will know what truly makes you happy and just how you want to be loved or taken care of.

    Amethyst will stimulate your heart and open yourself up to more love. It will break down your walls, and it will release all your fears and worries about love.

    It can eliminate destructive actions and ideas and replace them with only affirmative, empowering, and uplifting ones.

    You will be more confident in sharing how you feel, and you will be looking forward to the future more.

    Amethyst can help you remove the lethargy in your relationship. With hard work and commitment, you will be able to restore what was lost and rekindle the passion that has been missing.

    It will get rid of grief, despair, anger, or defeat. It will soothe emotional wounds and alleviate the pain that comes with emotional trauma.

    Amethyst can help you confront your emotional issues and overcome them. It can bring your hidden or suppressed feelings to the surface so that something positive will take place.

    You will have a more honest communication, and you will be surrounded with compassionate energies.

    There will be more passion and engagement in your relationship. You will be feeling adored, admired, and appreciated.

    Amethyst energies can give you comfort when you need it. You will never feel alone because you will find a way to be happy and contented even if you are by your lonesome.

    You will know what to do when the hurt becomes unbearable, and you will know how you can stand up and move forward.

    Amethyst will help you demonstrate strength of heart and mind. You will not be deterred by a few bumps in the road and by the mountains that you need to climb.

    You will let your spirits be lifted up, and you will allow yourself to be happy. You will not dwell on the sadness and the hurt, but you will focus on the things that you want to manifest in your relationship.

    Amethyst will support your growth as a person and as a partner in life. It will reassure you that there’s no fear in endings or beginnings because they are all just a part of living and loving!

    Amethyst is also known to promote better relationships on an intellectual, cerebral level.

    If you feel that your relationship is physically fulfilling but perhaps you aren’t connecting with your partner in every way that you would like to, you can use amethyst to develop a stronger mental relationship.

    This will very quickly translate to an improved emotional relationship, since sharing thoughts and sharing emotions are intimately tied together.

    Also Note: Ancient Greeks also claimed that wearing amethyst near the navel prevented drunkenness or intoxication (and a bracelet allows you “in a way” to be close to your navel).

    Stone of Ultimate Power”



     Clear Quarts is the most versatile stone of all crystals. It embodies the white-ray and amplifies the energy of any stone. This crystal is best known for its use to be programmed with intention, along with it’s ability to heal any condition. It brings balance by cleansing, opening and activating all of the Chakras.

    Carry a piece Clear Quartz every day for ultimate spiritual, mental, emotional and physical protection.


    Chakra(s): ALL, especially Third Eye/Crown/Soul Star

    Energy Vibration: 7

    Zodiac: All

    Planet: Sun

    Element: Fire


    • Protection
    • Cleansing
    • Healing
    • Power
    • Enhancing
    • Amplification


    • Against All Negativity
    • From Radiation/Electromagnetic Smog


    • Intentions
    • All Chakras
    • Psychic Visions
    • Development of Psychic Abilities
    • Spiritual Growth
    • Clarity
    • Harmoney
    • Energy
    • Healing
    • Concentration

    Metaphysical Properties: 

    • Cleans, Balances, Opens and Activates all Chakras
    • Cleans and amplifies the energy of all stones
    • Cleans the atmosphere of negative energy
    • Aligns the subtle bodies
    • Amplifies the energy of intention
    • Enhances and strengthens the Aura
    • Can be programmed for anything
    • Wonderful crystal to use in meditation and all energy work
    • Attunes one to their higher-self
    • Resonates strongly with the Soul Star Chakra (The 8Th Chakra)
    • Assist the higher chakras to emanate white light
    • Aids the connection with spirit
    • Must be cleaned on a regular basis, as it will resonate negative energy it collects
    • Stimulates the immune system and brings the whole body into balance
    • Helps to unlock memory
    • Revitalizes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes


    Healing Properties: 

    • Any and All Conditions

    The Properties of Quartz Crystals for Healing

    Clear quartz crystals have an incredibly long history of use in all sorts of fields.

    They are one of the most famous crystals in the world, and have been significant to cultures on every continent, as well as being the base for many other crystals, including extremely precious ones like amethyst.

    Quartz crystals are made of silicone and oxygen, but frequently contain other trace minerals and metals, which can give them a wide variety of colours. The beautiful clear quartz crystal is by far the most famous, but they come in every colour of the rainbow, including rose and smoky quartz, which also play major roles in many traditions surrounding crystology.

    While quartz crystals have been used for thousands of purposes throughout history, they have an especially long history as healing stones.

    They are said to be usable for healing any condition, and are known for their purifying effects.


    They are extremely soothing, cleansing stones, that can have positive benefits towards psychic and physical conditions alike.


    Why Would You Use Quartz Crystals for Healing?

    Quartz crystals are known as “master healing crystals,” crystals that can be used to heal any condition that they are needed for.

    Because of their unique power to take on the energy of any situation (much like their colour, white, contains all other colours), quartz crystals are one of the single most beneficial stones that you can introduce into your life for purposes of healing.

    To start off with, quartz crystals have a magnificent effect on the emotional body – which should always be considered first if you are suffering from any sort of symptoms that seem “irregular.”

    Quartz crystals strengthen the underlying structure of the aura – you can imagine this like your emotional skeleton.

    These are the patterns of energy that hold your emotional body in place.

    In Indian philosophy, these patterns of energy are expressed through the system of chakras, which are the “wheels” of power where energy concentrates, but every mythology and philosophical system has a similar concept.

    If your energies are out of balance, then you will find yourself emotionally distressed, lethargic or hyperactive, or otherwise unbalanced.

    It is important that you take care of your emotional skeleton with the same diligence that you pay to your physical structures.

    By incorporating quartz crystals into your life, you can strengthen your auric structure – in much the same way that incorporating milk into your diet strengthens your bones!

    Furthermore, quartz crystals have a long history in physical healing – although again, we urge you never to use crystals to replace professional medical care.

    Quartz crystals are said to stimulate the immune system and help with physical energy and resiliency in the face of sickness.

    Quartz crystals have such a good effect on emotional energy and positive attitude – which are at the core of a resilient approach to life, including periods of illness.

    Quartz has also been used to treat headaches, migraines, and vertigo, as well as improving general energy for people suffering from lethargy – which also makes it a positive contributor to weight loss! It’s a lot easier to lose weight if you’re constantly filled with energy.

    In ancient times, quartz crystals were laid over cuts, burns, and other minor injuries, as they were said to speed the healing process and ease pain.

    While they have nothing on antibiotic creams, there may be something to the idea of laying a (clean!) quartz crystal over a cut or burn after you’ve applied an antibiotic cream and bandage, in order to heal the psychic injury that overlies the physical one.


    How Will Quartz Crystals Help Heal You?

    Introducing quartz crystals into your life is highly beneficial if you are struggling with emotional exhaustion, psychic dullness, and lack of motivation, especially if those feelings are manifesting in your physical body.

    All too frequently, we find ourselves feeling “bad” but not sick in a specific way, which makes it very difficult to find a solution!

    Quartz can help bolster our spirits and lift us out of that feeling of dullness – or, if there is a more serious underlying issue, give us the clarity of mind to understand what it is so that we can seek help for it.

    Clear quartz crystals are beneficial when you feel lost or uncertain, which is what many people experience when they are ill.

    Especially if you are uncomfortable around doctors, you may be inclined to simply try to ignore whatever is ailing you, which can lead to anxiety, which in turn exacerbates the symptoms you’re experiencing!

    Clear quartz crystals can help you break that cycle.

    This stone is highly attuned to the forces of the universe, including the life force that gives us the energy to go about our lives!

    By using quartz crystals, you can focus this energy on the exact facets of your life that you want to change or improve, including your physical and emotional health.

    If you choose to use your quartz crystals to heal your psychic body and aura, then you will quickly find yourself feeling more optimistic, more energetic, and more interested in the world around you.

    This is because, as you heal, the crystal is putting you “in tune” with the world’s energy, and making you into a consistent part of the greater pattern.

    If you choose to use it to benefit your physical health, then you will probably also find your energy levels and mood increasing, and you may also notice that you are better able to “put your finger on” what exactly is troubling you.

    You may notice that you are more motivated to make lifestyle changes in regards to your health, such as changing your diet or exercise habits, or being more willing to see a doctor about your concerns.

    You can also address specific concerns by using quartz crystals as a focal point for meditation and mindfulness, which I will discuss below.


    How to Use Quartz Crystals for the Best Results

    Quartz jewellery is both inexpensive and readily available, and we encourage you to acquire one or two pieces that make you truly happy and fit your personal style.


    You should wear this on a regular basis to reap the benefits of this stone.


    We are enthusiasts of traditional quartz point necklaces, or bracelets, as we have noticed that wearing them focusses energy in a highly productive and beneficial way.

    Earrings, brooches, rings, bracelets, and even more unusual quartz jewellery such as nose or naval piercings are very easy to find.

    Unless you are using your quartz crystal to clear a certain chakra (which is a great way to use it!) you will probably find that wearing it anywhere on your body has relatively similar effects.

    We do encourage you to choose a quartz stone that has some weight to it. It is well proven that feeling physical weight is highly grounding and beneficial for feelings of anxiety, as it establishes your connection to the “here and now.” Having a physical connection to your quartz crystal jewellery will enhance its powers to keep you grounded.

    If you want to focus the energy of the universe towards a specific goal, then choose a piece of quartz that has a pointed shape.

    Like a funnel (or an arrow), this will direct the universe’s energy towards your specific area of concern.

    If you have specific concerns about your physical and mental health that you want to use a quartz crystal to address, then you may want to use your quartz crystal to focus your mind during meditation, prayer, or even divination if that is something that you are interested in.

    To do this, place your quartz crystal in direct light (preferably sunlight if your issue is physical and moonlight if it is emotional, but any natural light source including a flame will do). If you are praying, establish your mental connection to the power that you are addressing.

    Focus on the quartz crystal and try to clear your mind of everything except the issue at hand.

    You may quickly find that new ideas are bubbling to the surface as the quartz crystal harmonizes with universal powers to bring you towards a conclusion.


    It is one of the central tenets of crystology when it comes to quartz that clear quartz amplifies the power of other stones.


    Rose Quartz

    The Love Magnet


    Rose Quartz Meaning and Healing Properties

    Rose quartz has been used in love rituals and ceremonies for centuries, and remains the stone of the hopeless romantic. A member of the quartz family, this crystal is made up of silicon dioxide. It’s sweet, soft pink hue is the result of both the many, tiny inclusions of pink fibers, known as dididumortierite, within the glassy stone that keep it from being totally transparent, and irradiation. This irradiation is also why rose quartz should be kept out of the sun, so as to not loose its pretty shade.

    With a hexagonal crystal structure, this stone typically forms into large specimen, but occasionally develops smaller, prismatic clusters as well. There is no shortage of rose quartz, which can be found in abundance in mines throughout the world. The most common sources for rose quartz are in Brazil, Madagascar, India and South Africa.


    Rose Quartz Meaning

    The ancient civilizations of Rome and Assyria were the first to use this crystal as a bead in rose quartz jewelry. Its use in talismans, however, carried more symbolic weight. To early Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations, rose quartz meaning within a talisman was that of ownership.

    Rose quartz talisman were used to signify that a deal had been reached. The Egyptians also believe that the stone could prevent wrinkles and the effects of aging. Greek and Roman myths were the first to attach the symbol of love to the rose quartz meaning.

    According to the myth, Cupid, the Roman god of desire, or Eros, the Greek god of love, bestowed the gift of love to humans in the form of a rose quartz. Another rose quartz myth tells of the stone receiving its color from the blood Aphrodite spilt in trying to save her dying lover Adonis.

    Both of the lovers bled over the stone, and its lasting stain is meant to represent eternal love. Later in Ancient Native American cultures, the rose quartz stone meaning was the same. They believed that this love stone could be used in amulets to resolve anger and disappointments, and bring love into the newly harmonized emotions.


    Rose Quartz Healing Properties

    Though it’s thought of as the stone of love, it’s not just romantic love that rose quartz crystal embodies. The rose quartz stone meaning is one of unconditional love. The way it facilitates love entering your life is through it’s ability to bring your consciousness to a higher level. Helping you to forgive, understand and see fights or situations from a different perspective, rose quartz healing properties will imbue you with the wisdom to deepen your connection with your partner.

    In that same way, rose quartz properties provide gentle energy that assists you in recognizing your own need for compassion. It allows you to see that you deserve forgiveness and understanding from yourself. Associated with the element of water, rose quartz healing properties are naturally fluid. They wash out toxic energies and emotions that you have trapped inside of you.


    Negativity which you have been holding onto will flow out as pure thoughts of unequivocal love flow in. It may come as no surprise that this crystal is associated with the heart chakra. The rose quartz property of restoring trust is one of its most powerful and important uses. The heart cannot move on from hurt into renewed trust until it fully understands and accepts past situations.

    Rose quartz remedies this by dispelling feelings of fear and suspicion which poison the outlook. Healing with the feminine energy of rose quartz stimulates the heart chakra, and brings it into balance with the third eye and crown chakras. Working in harmony, these chakras to connect to the curative spirit of mother earth. This spirit teaches that the wounds of the past create beautiful landscapes, and there is always new love to follow acceptance.


    Rose Quartz Mantras

    Meditate with rose quartz crystal to bring love and compassion into your life. If you’re feeling down on yourself, bring a rose quartz stone up to your heart so that it can connect to the heart chakra. Clear your mind. Sit with your emotions, both good and bad. Feel how whole and powerful you are. While concentrating on your breadth, inhale love and exhale any grudges or negativity buried within your core. Try to see the pink light of love that you are inhaling moving through your body, revitalizing your tired mind and surrounding your wounded heart.

    Stay in this meditation, focusing on breadth until you feel that your essence has lightened. When you are ready, repeat the mantra: “I will accept the light of love, I will beam the light of love.” This mantra is meant to help in your quest to become a loving being, not just to yourself and your loved ones, but to strangers and acquaintances, too.